Friday, May 9, 2008

You know you're a law student at the end of a semester when...

1. You use the money from the book buy back for groceries.... and it's the first time you went grocery shopping in a month.... and you've been making mixtures of whatever you have left in the cupboard until this lovely grocery trip.

2. All the "finals" knitting projects you start you have to tear out because you realize you've dropped stitches/twisted stitches/hate what you decided to make after surfing Ravelry for an hour instead of studying for civ pro.

3. You haven't worn make up, moisturizer, matching clothes even when you leave the house for 5 minutes to remember what the outside looks like

4. You are REALLY surprised when you walk out of an interior room to find that it is not only completely dark outside, but that everyone else doesn't think it is so weird that it is completely dark outside.

5. When you watch Grey's Anatomy, you think about how much easier Med school would be and that there is still time to switch.

6. People ask you if you if you feel okay... all. the. time.

7. Caffeine has lost all of its magical powers.

8. You don't have money for yarn, so you look through your "bag to donate" that's been sitting around since last spring and start unraveling old sweaters.

9. You have 418 unread RSS feeds on your Google Reader page and you haven't been on Perez Hilton in 2 weeks.

10. Working 40 hours a week and taking a class this summer seems like a vacation.

11. You don't post any quality content on your blog for a long long time.

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