Sunday, April 27, 2008

They Should Do This On Project Runway...

Okay, this is an amazing video. Video: Predictions on Fashion in the year 2000 from the 1930s.

A few points here that I seriously love:

1) Even THEY knew the dress/skirt would "disappear" (See my previous post)

2) Men SHOULD have that many pockets always... and they should always be carrying coins and "candy for cuties." In fact, it should be illegal NOT to have candy in a tin connected to your belt.

3) Mesh Dress? Oh boy were they right. Remember the 1998 VMAs?

4) And what about the WEDGES!? I love it. These people had some serious insight.

5) The modesty dress? It goes perfectly with our abstinence only sex education and our rising teen birth rates. Has the President seen this??? I see public school uniforms coming back in our future if he does......


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