So, a few months back I posted the beginning of the GLA quilt. I started out thinking that I would do a re-run quilt and make the hand embroidered quilt from Last Minute Quilted. Remember this one?
I had some great fabrics picked out from Purl Soho...
.....that I ended up not loving together.
So I decided to forgo the new fabric for the awesome pink pansy fabric that I used for the first hand-quilted baby quilt. That plan came to a screeching halt when I heard from Fiancee's friend (who is having the baby) that they aren't really into pink. So that meant no Alexander Henry bright pink pansy print.
And thank goodness... because otherwise I wouldn't have gone into my favorite city quilting store -
Quiltology - and I would not have seen an urban
Amish quilt hanging on the wall... and I would not have fallen in love, all over again, with Amy Butler.... and I wouldn't have made my new favorite quilt:

So I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. this quilt. Everything about it. The colors. The rounded corners (I had never done that before... I did it using a rotary cutter and a tupperwear lid. Not suggested.). The fact that I wrote "welcome" in stitches at the bottom corner and it is possible that no one will ever see it. The fact that after all these quilts, I still can't seem to cut my corners at 90 degrees, so this quilt is much smaller than it started. I can just imagine a new little baby hanging out in the middle of this blanket. Loving life. Drooling. Looking cute next to the awesome Amy Butler prints. (:
The baby swag does not stop with a quilt, of course. I say "of course" because, as a former buyer for a swanky children's clothing store, I take pride in finding awesome baby gifts. Lookie:
The Bummas are soooo smart. I guess the hospital sends the baby home with disposable, non-chemical wipes that the parents are supposed to use for a few weeks. I guess new booties are too sensitive for normal wipes. So these are cute, eco-friendly alternatives to what the doctor sends home. I think this is an especially appropriate gift, since the father of the baby-to-be is a gastroenterologist (I guessed on that spelling...).
The onesie? It's just flipping cute. Go to to order it. My former boss will appreciate your business. Also from Sweetpeas, my favorite non-handmade part of this gift. I forgot to take a photo, so the stock photo will have to do...

Gorgeous, no? If I had a bajillion dollars, I would outfit my future children's rooms in
Serena and Lily, exclusively. Beautiful products for moms and babes. They also have a really great book out about decorating your nursery.
Check it. I admit, this is a lot of baby swag. Even for me. But, in my defense, the mother-to-be is Fiancee's best girl friend from his childhood. And this is her first child. And that is a big deal.
Alright. Time to sleep. I get to go see my niece this weekend and I need to build up a reserve of resting hours. For some reason, as a 16 month old, she doesn't understand the importance of her aunt getting a full 8 hours! The nerve! (: I also get to go to my sister's classroom (she teaches 2nd grade) for their Halloween party. I think I am going to dress up as my sister. I think they'd get a kick out of it. That, and I have no idea what is relevant to a 7 year old, so I think it is the only costume they will understand. Any other suggestions are more than welcome. Happy weekend!